Is there such a thing? Well, maybe. If you're an outdoor runner like me, it can be a huge mental struggle to slog through a basic easy run. Personally I can “get up” for hard interval sessions, but when I see Easy 10 miles on the schedule and ice on the roads I'd rather bang my head against a wall 100 times.
First, realize that it truly is a mental thing. Physically you can do it. In other words, there is nothing real holding you back.
Second, will you be (or feel) worse off if you skip the workout? How badly do you want to reach your goal? Just yesterday I asked myself the same thing and came to the conclusion that wussing out of the session was WORSE than the perceived monotany of a long run in place. It helps to have a meaningful goal and some accountability!
Finally, once you've committed to the workout, breaking the run into little chunks is the way to go. And that's what I've got for you today - 3 workouts, easy, medium, and hard - that fly by so you don't lose your mind.
0 min – Start with a super easy jog
Add 0.1mph every minute until you reach your normal easy pace.
Then 5 Times:
1% for 1 minute
2% for 1 minute
0% for 1 minute
Then 5 Times:
Easy pace + .3 mph for 1 minute (speed up 0.3mph from normal pace)
Easy pace - .3 mph for 1 minute (slow down 0.3mph from normal pace)
Add-on if necessary, or cool down
Medium (great aerobic base session)
0 min – Start with a super easy jog
Add 0.1mph every minute until you reach your normal easy pace.
Then 4-6 Times:
3 minutes @ Marathon Pace
1 minute @ Half-Marathon Pace
3 minutes @ Easy Pace
Add-on if necessary, or cool down
Hard (not killer, though)
0 min – Start with a super easy jog
Add 0.1mph every minute until you reach your normal easy pace.
Then 3 hill climbs.
Use 5% grade, use a solid pace, but keep breathing UNDER CONTROL.
3 minutes up (5%)
2 minutes flat (0%, same pace)
Jog easily for 3 more minutes.
Then 3 fast intervals.
2 minutes @ 5K-3K pace
2 minutes @ easy pace
Add-on if necessary, or cool down
A final tip:
Focus internally. How do your shoulders feel? Where is your foot landing? Beneath your body rather than out in front? What about breathing? Are you relaxed? Continue to monitor these things and before you know it, time will be up!
There are an unlimited number of ways to use interval style training to keep you engaged in your workout. Manipulating hills, pace, and heart rate are all good variables to play with. Don't let winter de-rail your training. I hate that EXCUSE. Just do the best you can.
If you're trying to reach a specific goal and wondering what the best treadmill workout is for you, ask below!